1000 Boots and Sleeping Bags for Refugee Children

Winter is settling in and thousands of refugee children are suffering. 

(First Image by: ABC/ Reuters: Mohamed Azakir)

(Second Image above by: AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

So far this year in 2015 over 450,000 Syrian refugees have made the perilous journey across the Mediterranean sea from Turkey in what are being called “death boats.” Drownings, overcrowding and suffocation are common. Thousands of Syrian children and families have already lost their lives this year alone. It’s been  estimated that more then 2,500 have drowned or been lost at sea in these make shift boats. 


UNHCR reports that of the 450,000 refugees that have arrived on the island of Lesbos,  39% of them are children age 11 years and younger. 39% is an alarmingly number of children who are without the basic necessities to withstand this type of journey.

This crisis has no end in sight. Just this past week, 22,000 refugees have arrived on the island of Lesvos with almost nothing to their name. Many of them lose what little belongings they have to the ocean or to smugglers.  It’s estimated that out of these 22,000 refugees that arrived last week 8,580 are CHILDREN.


We have seen image after image of thousands of refugee children suffering as they flee from the only homes they have known with their families to seek refuge for a better life. 

(Both Images by Magnus Wennman)

With harsh weather, rain and cold temperatures now upon us, these children are without adequate shoes and just as many children are without a blanket or a sleeping bag to help to keep them warm and provide comfort at night.  Sadly, tens of thousands of refugees now have to sit and wait in camps 7- 14 days while paperwork is being processed with constant rain, mud and cold temperatures.  The other half of these children who are able to start on their journey across Europe with their families will be doing it through sometimes freezing and snowy conditions. They too will be without the appropriate shoes and night time comforts.

(Image by Magnus Wennman)

So, we have to ask ourselves. How can we provide simple and immediate relief to these families and children?
2 simple ways:
Rubber and Winter Boots are an essential item for these children.  These boots will help keep these children dry and comfortable as well as help offset cold temperatures which without the appropriate shoes and clothing can lead to hypothermia or death. 
Sleeping Bags:
These emergency mylar sleeping bags are waterproof, windproof, retain 90% of body heat and protect from hypothermia in emergency and/or survival situations. They also are reusable and do not crack, shrink or mildew. The best part about these sleeping bags is that they are extremely compact (wallet sized). Extremely easy to transport since they weigh basically nothing and they are only $5 per bag.

>>>>>>>>>EVERY DONATION RECEIVED WILL BE FOR PURCHASING NEW OR GENTLY USED BOOTS AND MYLAR SLEEPING BAGS and a small amount will be used for shipping<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
These children have seen enough. They have been through enough and what is even more heartbreaking is the need is so vast and so great that every little bit helps these refugees.  


1. Make a Donation through this campaign:

**$5 donation will buy a mylar sleeping bag for a child in need.

**$15 donation can buy a pair of winter boots for a child in need. 

2. DONATE your gently used winter and rain boots or BUY a PACK OF MYLAR SLEEPING BAGS and have them mailed to us:

C/0 Mike Freeman


6440 South Millrock Drive, Suite 175

Salt Lake City, UT 841213. 


Meeting our tremendous goal is ONLY because of supporters LIKE YOU!  Please SHARE this message and tell your friends and family. SHARE our campaign on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 


Your funds will be used to purchase winter boots, rain boots and mylar sleeping bags for these children and to transport them to Greece where hundreds of thousands of refugees are waiting to cross borders to start the journey through Europe.   A small amount of the donations raised will be used towards storage if needed as well as shipping costs.


2 volunteers who will pay for their own flights/lodging will fly to Lesbos, Greece and help to distribute these boots at Camp Moria as well as the ports and on the beaches as the children arrive on the island. We will work alongside other grass roots movements based out of Lesbos to ensure that every boot and every sleeping bag that is donated goes to a child in need.  

If you are interested in helping us get the word out by hosting a shoe drive or hosting an event to raise funds, please email me (Erin) at mikeanderin@mac.com.  





Winter is settling in and thousands of refugee children are suffering. UNHCR reports that of the 450,000 refugees that have arrived on the island of Lesbos, 39% of them are children age 11 years and younger. 39% is an alarmingly number of children who are without the basic necessities to withstand this type of journey.
See Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/1000-boots-and-sleeping-bags-for-refugee-children#/
Contact Information:
Erin Freeman

Indiegogo, Philanthropy, Civil Society, Reward, United States, Fundraising, Children’s Issues, Donation, English, Non Profits, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language, Utah


Source: ICNW

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