Lalalama: a unique asynchronous voice communication, cross-platform, service


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“Lalalama” is a unique asynchronous voice communication, cross-platform, service.

Developed and designed to work as communication app with multiple mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, including tablets), and a web application.
The functionality of “Lalalama” abilities combines:

Voice recorder + Voice mail + Social network

These functional abilities are cleverly crafted to merge into one unique and user friendly interface
that simply allows users to:

Record / Store / Share / Reply

Social Media and social networking is just a small part of Lalalama abillities.

Products / Services

Mobile Productivity and communication platform

We combine 3 key elements in order to make everyday communication easier, friendly, productive & memorable. A voice recorder + Voice mail + Social Network. Voice your ideas and allow them evolve them by sharing with others. Follow interesting people. share ideas between family & friends. Reach people you can’t see face to face. Hear their voice and share yours. Record memories, experiences, stories. Make your ideas memorable.

Developed and designed to work as communication app with multiple mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, including tablets), and a web application.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Ivan Tihienko

EquityNet, Equity, English, Israel, Mobile and Social Apps, Computers and Software, Middle East, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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