Ryan Energy Developers: Commercial energy contractors specializing in solar, fuel cell, and geothermal installations

Ryan Energy Developers

Ryan Energy Developers Logo


We are a commercial energy contractors specializing in solar, fuel cell, and geothermal installations. Looking for tax equity investors for sale-leaseback transactions, Investor will acquire tax credit benefits. IRR to Investor between 10-15%. Projects range from $50K to $500K.

Products / Services

Solar, Fuel Cell, Geothermal

Ryan Inc. is a New Jersey based energy contractor.

We are a commercial energy contractors specializing in solar, fuel cell, and geothermal installations.
See Campaign: https://www.equitynet.com/c/ryan-energy-developers?s=p
Contact Information:
Patrick Ryna

EquityNet, United States, Equity, Alternative Energy, English, Energy and Utilities, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language, New Jersey


Source: ICNW

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