The easiest way to embed a forum
Talki is a lightweight forum solution perfect for embedding into your existing site. Copy and paste a simple piece of code and you are up and running. Works great with website builders and blogging platforms like Squarespace, WordPress, and Weebly. Over 1 million forums created to date!
Talki is a lightweight forum solution perfect for embedding into your existing site. Copy and paste a simple piece of code and you are up and running.
See Campaign: https://angel.co/tal-ki?utm_source=trending
Contact Information:
Dan Bragiel
Talki is a lightweight forum solution perfect for embedding into your existing site. Copy and paste a simple piece of code and you are up and running.
See Campaign: https://angel.co/tal-ki?utm_source=trending
Contact Information:
Dan Bragiel
AngelList, Equity, Consumer, Seniors, English, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: ICNW