Do you know most of your data cost is used sending your communications to “others” to be copied? VOVIE D2D locks out spies, triples connection strength and call resolution, drops data cost 50-80% and extends battery life 30-50%! We need supporters to upgrade call, chat and shared communications for people now!
Founder, Norman Towson says, “VOVIE turns smart devices into private direct personal communications servers! VOVIE amplifies connection strength, of current devices, sees contacts online, connects direct, secures and communicates up to 7 times faster. If you want safe, fast, low cost, high resolution communications, VOVIE D2D needs your crowd funding support now.”
How? Today “free regulator codes inside every device” are sending everything to “someone somewhere” to copy everything you do! Remote copies drop your signal quality (up to 400%) which increases YOUR CARRIER DATA COST 50-80%, make you wait on everything, are insecure able, and burn up your battery doing it. VOVIE D2D changes all this with a clean direct 60dB signal that network analyzers show as 300% to 700% more efficient than iPhone, Skype Windows, Android and others. VOVIE overrides their remote copy code and connects your friends, family and associates devices directly together across any net, anywhere in the world. VOVIE puts you in control, maximizes your devices resolution and secures everything from all Spies, Viruses, Trojans, Malware, manufactures, operating systems, ISP’s and all. Access requires your device, password and user name all at once, unlike the others.
Try VOVIE Free here for Windows: https://goo.gl/XBkhhJ.
Meeting to You Corporation is the holding company for all VOVIE technology.
See Campaign: https://goo.gl/XBkhhJ
Contact Information:
Phone 408-309-4432
Indiegogo, Mobile and Social Apps, Computers and Software, Networking, Software, Industry verticals
Source: ICNW